Benjamin Schmidt-Hansberg

Dr.-Ing. Benjamin Schmidt-Hansberg

  • 02.02.2012
  • Institut für Thermische Verfahrenstechnik
    Bereich Thin Film Technology (TFT)
    Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)

    KIT Campus Nord
    Gebäude 717
    Tel. Labor: +49 7247 82-9026
    D-76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen

    KIT Campus Süd
    Gebäude 10.91
    D-76131 Karlsruhe


Trocknungskinetik von flüssig prozessierten Polymer-Fulleren-Filmen mit Lösungsmittelgemischen für organische Elektronik Michael Baunach abgeschlossen 04/10
Strukturbildung in „Low Bandgap“ Polymeren Timo Basile abgeschlossen 08/11
Simulation der Grenzschichtausbildung an überströmten Polymerstrukturen Helge Geisler abgeschlossen
Parameterstudie zur Trocknungskinetik photoaktiver Schichten für Polymersolarzellen mit einem Lösemittelgemisch Felix Buss abgeschlossen
Einfluss der Trocknungsbedingungen auf die Eigenschaften von Polymer-Solarzellen Jens Buzengeiger abgeschlossen
Charakterisierung und Kontrolle der Morphologie in Polymer-Fulleren-Blends Benedikt Brenneis abgeschlossen
Beschreibung von Phasengleichgewichten halbleitender organischer Materialien Stefan Jaiser abgeschlossen
Additive zur Kontrolle der Schichtstruktur in Polymersolarzellen Mareike Kowalski abgeschlossen


  1. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, M.F.G. Klein, M. Sanyal, F. Buss, G.Q.G. de Medeiros, C. Munuera, A. Vorobiev, A. Colsmann, P. Scharfer, U. Lemmer, E. Barrena, W. Schabel
    Structure Formation in Low-Bandgap Polymer:Fullerene Solar Cell Blends in the Course of Solvent Evaporation
    Macromolecules 45, 7948–7955 (2012)
  2. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, Process-structure-property relationship of polymer-fullerene bulk heterojunction films for organic solar cells - Drying process, film structure and optoelectronic properties
    Dissertation, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (2012) Cuvillier Verlag, ISBN-10: 3954040735, ISBN-13: 9783954040735
  3. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, M. Sanyal, N. Grossiord, Y. Galagan, M. Baunach, M.F.G. Klein, A. Colsmann, P. Scharfer, U. Lemmer, H. Dosch, J. Michels, E. Barrena, W. Schabel
    Investigation of non-halogenated solvent mixtures for high throughput fabrication of polymer-fullerene solar cells
    Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 96, 195-201 (2012)
  4. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, M. Sanyal, M.F.G. Klein, M. Pfaff, N. Schnabel, S. Jaiser, A. Vorobiev, E. Müller, A. Colsmann, P. Scharfer, D. Gerthsen, U. Lemmer, E. Barrena, W. Schabel
    Moving through the phase diagram: morphology formation in solution cast polymer–fullerene blend films for organic solar cells
    ACS Nano 5, 8579–8590 (2011)
  5. M. Sanyal, B. Schmidt-Hansberg, M.F.G. Klein, C. Munuera, A. Vorobiev, A. Colsmann, P. Scharfer, U. Lemmer, W. Schabel, H. Dosch, E. Barrena
    Effect of Photovoltaic Polymer/Fullerene Blend Composition Ratio on Microstructure Evolution during Film Solidification Investigated in Real Time by X-ray Diffraction
    Macromolecules 44, 3795–3800 (2011)

    Feature article in ESRF Highlights, 48-49 (2011)
  6. M. Sanyal, B. Schmidt-Hansberg, M.F.G. Klein, A. Colsmann, C. Munuera, A. Vorobiev, U. Lemmer, W. Schabel, H. Dosch, E. Barrena
    In Situ X-Ray Study of Drying-Temperature Influence on the Structural Evolution of Bulk-Heterojunction Polymer–Fullerene Solar Cells Processed by Doctor-Blading
    Advanced Energy Materials 1, 363-367 (2011)

  7. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, M. Baunach, J. Krenn, S. Walheim, U. Lemmer, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel
    Spatially resolved drying kinetics of multi-component solution cast films for organic electronics
    Chemical Engineering and Processing 50, 509-515 (2011)
  8. J. Krenn, S. Baesch, B. Schmidt-Hansberg, M. Baunach, P. Scharfer, Wilhelm Schabel
    Numerical investigation of the local mass transfer on flat plates in laminar flow
    Chemical Engineering and Processing 50, 503-508 (2011)
  9. L. Wengeler, B.Schmidt-Hansberg, K.Peters, P.Scharfer, W.Schabel
    Investigations on knife and slot die coating and processing of polymer nanoparticle films for hybrid polymer solar cells
    Chemical Engineering and Processing 50, 478-482 (2011)
  10. K. Peters, J. Braun, B. Schmidt-Hansberg, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel
    Phase equilibrium of water in different types of PEDOT:PSS
    Chemical Engineering and Processing 50, 555-557 (2011)
  11. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, M. F. G. Klein, K. Peters, F. Buss, J. Pfeifer, S. Walheim, A. Colsmann, U. Lemmer, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel
    In-situ monitoring the drying kinetics of knife coated polymer-fullerene films for organic solar cells
    Journal of Applied Physics 106, 124501 (2009)

    Feature article in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 21, 1 (2010)
  12. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, H. Do, A. Colsmann, U. Lemmer, W. Schabel
    Drying of thin film polymer solar cells
    European Physical Journal Special Topics 166, 49-53 (2009)
  13. Y. Serfert, S. Drusch, B. Schmidt-Hansberg, M. Kind, K. Schwarz
    Process engineering parameters and type of n-octenylsuccinate-derivatised starch affect oxidative stability of microencapsulated long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids
    Journal of Food Engineering 95, 386-392 (2009)
  14. S. Drusch, Y. Serfert, M. Scampicchio, B. Schmidt-Hansberg and K. Schwarz
    Impact of Physicochemical Characteristics on the Oxidative Stability of Fish Oil Microencapsulated by Spray-Drying
    Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 55, 11044 (2007)



  1. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, F. Buss, M. Klein, M. Sanyal, A. Colsmann, U. Lemmer, E. Barrena, P. Scharfer und W. Schabel
    Tuning polymer-fullerene blend nanomorphology by controlled film drying conditions (Talk)
    9th European Coating Symposium, 08.-10.06. 2011, Abo/Turku, Finland
  2. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, M. Sanyal, M. Klein, A. Colsmann, U. Lemmer, E. Barrena, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel
    In-situ observation and manipulation of polymer-fullerene self assembly during thin film drying for organic solar cells (Poster)
    MRS Spring Meeting 2011, 25.-29.04.2011, San Francisco, USA
  3. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, M. Kowalski, M. Klein, M. Sanyal, A. Colsmann, U. Lemmer, E. Barrena, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel
    Phasengleichgewichte und Stofftransport in organischen Halbleitern: Selbstanordnungsprozesse in Polymersolarzellen (Talk)
    ProcessNet-Fachausschuss Wärme- und Stofftransport, 21.-22.03. 2009, Frankfurt, Germay
  4. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, M. Baunach, M. Klein, M. Sanyal, C. Walsh, A. Colsmann, U. Lemmer, E. Barrena, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel,
    Kontrolle der Morphologie in organischen Solarzellen (Poster)
    Processnet Jahrestagung, 21.-23.09.2010, Aachen, Germany
  5. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, M. Baunach, M. Klein, M. Sanyal, C. Walsh, A. Colsmann, U. Lemmer, E. Barrena, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel
    In-situ monitoring the film formation of solution cast polymer-fullerene blends for organic solar cells (Talk)
    15th International Coating Science and Technology (ISCST) Symposium, 13.-15.09.2010, St. Paul, USA
  6. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, J. Krenn, M. Baunach, S. Baesch, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel
    Theoretical and experimental investigation of the gas phase mass transport on flat plates in laminar flow (Poster)
    15th International Coating Science and Technology (ISCST) Symposium, 13.-15.09.2010, St. Paul, USA
  7. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, M. Sanyal, M. Klein, A. Colsmann, U. Lemmer, E. Barrena, P. Scharfer, and W. Schabel,
    Morphology formation in solution cast polymer-fullerene blends for organic photovoltaics (Talk)
    1st International Conference on Materials for Energy, 04.-08.07.2010, Karlsruhe, Germany
  8. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, M. Sanyal, M. Klein, A. Colsmann, U. Lemmer, E. Barrena, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel
    In-situ Monitoring the Morphology Formation During Drying of Knife Coated Polymer-Fullerene Films for Organic Solar Cells (Talk)
    MRS Spring Meeting 2010, 05.-09.04.2010, San Francisco, USA
  9. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, M.F.G. Klein, F. Pasker, H. Wettach, B. Brenneis, A. Colsmann, U. Lemmer, S. Höger, P. Scharfer and W. Schabel
    Morphology formation during drying of solution cast polymer-fullerene blends for solar cell applications (Talk)
    Workshop of the DFG Priority Program 1355 "Organic Photovoltaics", 30.10. 2009, Dresden, Germany
  10. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, B. Brenneis, S. Jaiser, M. Klein, A. Colsmann, U. Lemmer, J. Pfeifer, S. Walheim, M. Sanyal, E. Barrena, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel
    Phase behavior of solution cast polymer-fullerene blends during drying for organic solar cells (Poster)
    5th Plastic Electronics Europe, 27.-29.10. 2009, Dresden, Germany
  11. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, F. Buss, K. Peters, J. Pfeifer, S. Walheim, M.F.G. Klein, A. Colsmann, U. Lemmer, M. Sanyal, E. Barrena, P. Scharfer and W. Schabel
    Morphology formation during drying of solution cast polymer-fullerene blends for solar cell applications (Talk)
    8th European Coating Symposium, 07.-09.09. 2009, Karlsruhe, Germany
  12. F. Buss, S. Jaiser, B. Schmidt-Hansberg, J. Pfeifer, S. Walheim, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel
    Moving through the phase diagram: Drying of solution cast polymer-fullerene films (Poster)
    8th European Coating Symposium, 07.-09.09. 2009, Karlsruhe, Germany
  13. K. Peters, B. Schmidt-Hansberg, L. Wengeler, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel
    Feasibility Studies on Solution-processed Hole Injection Layers for Organic LEDs (Poster)
    8th European Coating Symposium, 07.-09.09. 2009, Karlsruhe, Germany
  14. L. Wengeler, B. Schmidt-Hansberg, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel
    Roll to roll production of nano-particle based polymer solar cells on flexible substrates (Poster)
    8th European Coating Symposium, 07.-09.09. 2009, Karlsruhe, Germany
  15. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, F. Buss, S. Jaiser, P. Scharfer, M. Klein, A. Colsmann, U. Lemmer, J. Pfeifer, S. Walheim, M. Kind, W. Schabel
    Phase separation during drying of polymer-fullerene-solutions for polymer solar cells (Poster)
    Frontiers in Polymer Science, 7.-9.06. 2009, Mainz, Germany
  16. A. Bauer, A. Colsmann, U. Lemmer, J. Hanisch, E. Ahlswede, M. Sanyal, C. Munuera, E. Barrena, B. Schmidt-Hansberg, W. Schabel, F. Pasker, S. Höger
    Towards transparent and multijunction polymer solar cells with improved optoelectronic properties (TRAPOS) (Talk & Poster)
    Jahrestreffen SPP 1355 "Elementarprozesse der organischen Photovoltaik", 13.-14.05. 2009, Wuppertal, Germany
  17. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, N. Schnabel, K. Peters, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel
    Phasenseparation von Polymer-Fulleren-Lösungen photoaktiver Schichten organischer Polymersolarzellen (Poster),
    ProcessNet-Fachausschuss Kristallisation, 12.-13.03. 2009, Dortmund, Germay
  18. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, N. Schnabel, K. Peters, P. Scharfer, U. Lemmer, M. Kind, W. Schabel
    Phase separation during the drying process of the photoactive layer in polymer solar cells (Talk)
    14th International Coating Science and Technology Symposium, 07.-10.09 2008, Los Angeles, USA
  19. W. Schabel, P. Scharfer, M. Müller, J. Krenn, B. Schmidt-Hansberg
    Drying issues and process scale up of solvent casted films for flat panel displays and organic electronics (Talk)
    14th International Coating Science and Technology Symposium, 07.-10.09 2008, Los Angeles, USA
  20. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, J. Buzengeiger, M. Kind, A. Colsmann, U. Lemmer, W. Schabel
    Trocknung der Absorptionsschicht organischer Polymersolarzellen (Poster),
    ProcessNet-Fachausschuss Trocknungstechnik/Kristallisation, 05.-07.03 2008, Halle, Germany
  21. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, D. Korp, Y. Serfert, S. Drusch, K. Schwarz, M. Kind
    Trocknungseigenschaften von Matrixlösungen zur Fischölverkapselung (Poster),
    ProcessNet-Fachausschuss Trocknungstechnik/Kristallisation, 05.-07.03 2008, Halle, Germany
  22. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, H. Do, A. Colsmann, U. Lemmer, W. Schabel
    Drying of thin film polymer solar cells (Poster),
    7th European Coating Symposium, 12.-14.09 2007, Paris, France


Invited Talks

  1. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, Structure formation of organic semiconductors
    9th European Coating Symposium, invited short course lecture, 07.06. 2011, Abo/Turku, Finnland
  2. B.Schmidt-Hansberg, M. Sanyal, M. Baunach, B. Brenneis, M. Klein, A. Colsmann, U. Lemmer, E. Barrena, P. Scharfer, and W. Schabel
    In-situ monitoring the morphology formation during drying of knife coated polymer:fullerene blends
    PV group meeting, Cavendish Laboratory, 26.11.2009, Cambridge, UK
  3. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, N. Schnabel, K. Peters, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel
    Phase separation during the drying process of the photoactive layer in polymer solar cells (PSCs),
    Holst Centre, 3.11.2008, Eindhoven, Netherlands
  4. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, Drying of Polymer Solar Cells,
    Merck OLED-Division, 8.03.2008, Darmstadt, Germany

